

Very fresh and quality saffron for export in one-weight packages

Excellent fragrance and color

Canada - Vancouver

Contact number: 16047045522

Fahimeh Massoudpour

Saffron is a plant with the scientific name of Crocus sativus, from the genus Asparagus and the genus Lily.It is known as the golden spice because of its yellow color and high price. Saffron has been used for more than 4,000 years to flavor and flavor foods. Today, more than 90% of the world's saffron is produced in Iran.

Saffron has a variety of chemical compounds that are the main cause of taste, color and properties.

In history, it has been seen many times that saffron has been used as a medicine to treat the following diseases:

- Asthma

- Muscle cramps

- Stress

- Anemia and heart failure

Saffron also has analgesic properties that are used as a natural analgesic.

In modern medical science, the use of saffron for its healing properties has also been used to solve the following problems:

- Relieve anxiety

- Treatment of premenstrual syndrome

- Treatment of insulin resistance

- Diabetes

- Cancer

-Diseases associated with nerve cell destruction

- Learning disorders

Although saffron has not been shown to play a decisive role in the treatment of diseases, it has been shown to be very effective in treating diseases such as sexual problems, depression, PMS and Alzheimer's.

The chemical compounds of saffron are responsible for its effective properties for the health of the body. Saffron increases the level of proteins necessary for body growth and blood pressure  and it contributes to healthy brain activity such as brain-derived neurogenic factor (BDNF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).

It also has antioxidant properties that scavenge free radicals that may damage proteins and DNA inside cells.This miracle spice restricts the growth of amyloid beta proteins that lead to Alzheimer's.

In addition, it inhibits the growth of acetylcholinesterase enzymes and reduces the level of acetylcholine in the body, which can cause problems for neurotransmitters.

The properties of saffron are not limited to these and you should know that golden spice can reduce cortisol levels and increase estrogen levels; Which leads to the health of the bones of the body.

Many of the healing properties of saffron are due to the presence of crocin molecule in the composition of this spice. Digesting crocin is not an easy task for the body, which is why the human digestive system converts it to crocin.

Crostin increases the production of the happy hormone serotonin in the brain, which is why saffron can be used to treat depression.

Safranal: Another chemical present in golden spice compounds is:

- It raises blood pressure and regulates heart rate.

- It is anti-allergic and stops the activity of histamines in the body.

- Disrupts the activity of acetylcholine in the body.

- Eliminates anxiety and stress.

Saffron also has antiviral properties and prevents viruses from entering the body's cells.


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