Children workshops

Children's workshops

Persian language training workshops for children over 6 years old Taste recognition workshops for children under 4 years old

Canada - Vancouver

Contact number: 16048024286

Mehrnoosh Sartipi

Tastes are a feeling that is manifested by the sense of taste. Of course, taste is a general feeling. That is, whatever the sense of taste tastes and whatever it does not feel has no taste.General tastes (in other words, sensory sensations of taste in general) are expressed in words such as sweetness (taste), bitterness (taste), sourness (taste), salinity (taste), molasses, and so on.

The sense of taste is active in children from the very beginning. The baby recognizes the taste of his mother's milk in comparison with any other food.

Children recognize foods very quickly through their taste, and tastes help them choose how to eat their food.Sometimes children use their sense of taste to recognize an object and put it in their mouth, which is usually when the educator or mother tells the child not to do this and informs him if there is a danger.It is better for children not to experience spicy or very sour and very bitter tastes.Some parents sometimes use these flavors to punish, which is very wrong  and their feeling towards some foods remain bitter memories, and sometimes these memories remain with humans for years.

Instructors should include a variety of foods with reference to their taste at every opportunity. Experience through the sense of taste for children. Ask the child to look in the mirror with their tongue. He will see that it is not smooth and is full of villi that recognize tastes.Explain to the child the distinction of the parts of the tongue with which the sweet, bitter, salty, sour tastes can be distinguished.Bees recognize the taste of food with the help of their small snouts and flies with the help of their feet.

Tell the children that the organ is the taste of the "tongue". Ask the children if they know what the language does.Give the children a piece of candy and ask them how it tastes. Tell them that the tongue is a sensory organ by which they recognize taste.Ask the children what language they know the taste of. Ask the children to look in the mirror at their tongue to notice the taste buds. Tell them that different parts of the tongue are sensitive to different tastes.

Health and safety tips:

Language care is very important. Very hot and spicy foods are harmful to the tongue.


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