
Art paintings

Mental effect, acrylic technique on canvas

Germany - Hamburg

Painting is one of the oldest arts in the world. One of the main disciplines of visual arts is painting. According to the evidence and historical documents found, researchers claim that this art is six times older than the written language.The oldest paintings in the world, dating back to 32,000 years ago, are in France, in the Grote Chavez. Drawings using black pigments, red maples and some other plant colors, these paintings include images of horses, rhinos, lions, buffaloes, mammoths and many other animals.Such paintings on cave walls can be found in many parts of the world, but the specimen found in France is the oldest discovered.

Over time, humans have used different types of painting tools and different types of colors to create paintings. In the following, we will refer to some of the most famous and widely used painting techniques.

Painting with paint, oil painting , Watercolor painting , Painting with acrylic , Painting with pastel technique including oily pastel and dry pastel, Painting with pencil, painting Painting with collage technique | Tempra technique with vitreous technique, Painting behind glass

Acrylic paint has become one of the most widely used paints for creating paintings due to its special properties. This color is very attractive and bright. It does not cause much pollution.It dissolves in water before drying and after drying, due to its polymer plastic nature, it has a very good resistance to water and becomes impermeable.Due to its solubility in water, cleaning brushes and other tools used is very convenient and painless. Acrylic paints dry quickly, and this feature not only increases the speed of the work, but also allows the painter to apply special methods.On the other hand, if we need more time to implement the design, we can delay the drying process of the paint, either inside the palette or on the canvas, by spraying a little water.This color is newer compared to other colors such as oil and watercolor, but due to its unique properties and characteristics, it has been able to gain a special place among users.Acrylic painting technique This technique is performed using a brush with water-soluble acrylic paints and often on canvas, and as we mentioned, these paints have a lot of flexibility, resistance and durability and dry in a short time.Acrylic painting tools To create a work of art with acrylic technique, in the first step, we need a suitable model and according to the model, a suitable page with the right material, acrylic paint and brush.In advanced and professional stages, some other tools and materials can be used. This paint can be used on various surfaces, including canvas, fabric, cardboard and paper, and even wood and glass, due to the special features we mentioned.

In the following, we will explain some of the most important and widely used methods of using acrylic paint for those who are interested. Due to the fact that the solvent of acrylic paint is water, a small amount of water is used to dilute this paint, which is stirred with a brush.



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