LR Cosmetics and Health

LR Cosmetics and Health


Contact number: 4901636352748

 Parasto Manouchehri

Healthy and fresh skin has the greatest impact on human beauty. If beauty is important to you, you should definitely pay the most attention to your skin.Skin color does not matter in a woman's attractiveness and the only thing that matters is the health and beauty of the skin. Most women want to have beautiful skin but do not know how to achieve it.

Human's  lifestyle and habits directly affect his appearance. For example, poor nutrition and inactivity can lead to obesity.The same is true of the skin, and to have healthy skin we need to replace bad habits with good ones. In life, we encounter many people who have young skin with old age, and when we ask the cause, we come to points such as nutrition and mental health and so on. Many things can affect the youthfulness or premature aging of the skin, examples of which we mention.

Skin care methods

1- Do not smoke

- Smoking, hookah and… is one of the biggest reasons for loose and dull facial skin.

2- Eat less fast food.

- Minimize the consumption of fast food because it is one of the most important reasons for pimples on the face.

3- Eat fruits and vegetables.

- We all know that the necessary vitamins for skin freshness can be found only in fruits and vegetables, but we still neglect to consume it.

4- Make a fruit mask.

- Do not make it too hard, you can just grate fruits like cucumber, apple and… make a mask and put it on your face for 15 minutes, If you do not have the opportunity to do this, just put the skin of the fruits you have wanted on your face for a few minutes. This will make the skin fresh and light.

5_Never sleep with makeup.

- Before going to bed, be sure to thoroughly clean your face. Makeup can not be cleaned only with water, you can deeply clean your skin using facial shampoo or face wash gel. Remember not to lubricate the face and wash Just do it by hand.

6- Get enough sleep.

- Sleep deprivation is one of the major causes of premature aging. The skin is restored and repaired in sleep, do not deprive yourself of this blessing, sleep 8 hours a day.

7- Use quality and standard cosmetics.

8- Do not forget sunscreen, direct sunlight causes spots on the skin.

9-Always keep your face moist

Always keep your face moist. Water dries the skin and in the cold season, dry skin increases. Use moisturizing creams and lotions to prevent dry skin.

10_ Do not pull the skin down when washing the face. This will cause a drop.

11_ Avoid stress and control your anxiety, with a stressful life, wrinkles and pimples will come to you very soon.

Following the above tips does not require any time or money, it is enough to do these things for a few days, after a while it will become your daily habits, as a result of which you will have beautiful skin.

Hair care

Problems such as hair loss, thinning hair, dandruff, dry hair, etc. occur to most people today.The best hair care is to prevent these problems, and certainly the time and money spent on prevention is much less than the time and cost that will be spent on treatment.

Nowadays, problems such as poor nutrition, air pollution, daily pressure and stress, etc. affect all parts of the body, one of the most common of which is hair problems.

Causes of hair loss

If you have severe hair loss, it is recommended that you know your blood status before doing anything, and if you have anemia, treat it seriously because one of the main causes of hair loss and thinning hair is iron and zinc loss.

Another major cause of hair loss is stress, which occurs in most families with a work environment and directly affects the process of hair growth and loss.Try to keep anxiety as far away from you as possible and calm down, for this you can also get help from a doctor or counselor.

Bad habits cause hair loss

But there are also things to keep in mind about bad habits that you do on a regular basis and do not notice the effect on your hair.

One of the most common habits is to wash your hair every day. This severely damages the hair follicles because shampoo is used for washing, and the same shampoo, which is made of chemicals, eventually weakens the hair and causes hair loss.In addition, the washing process alone causes a large amount of hair loss each time. So try to wash your hair up to three times a week and use mild shampoos.


Take care of your nutrition. Low-value and merely filling foods do not replace valuable foods. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and protein each nourish the hair in some way. Do not forget foods rich in iron, vitamin C, zinc and zinc.

How to use hair conditioners

Try to use less hair conditioners and if you have dry hair and have to use conditioner, do not apply conditioner or hair mask to the scalp and hair roots and only stain the hair shaft and tip. do. Otherwise, the hair roots will lose their strength and thickness and will fall out.

Also, avoid hot water and use lukewarm water to wash your hair.

Try not to apply too much preservative to your hair, such as spray, hair glue or gel, and if used. Do not sleep with dirty hair at night and take a bath. 


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