Carpet selling


Carpet selling

Khatibi silk flower handmade 3 meter rug Tabriz for sale 2800 dollars

Canada - Vancouver

Contact number: 16047235706 Jalal Hosseini


Ever since man knew himself and felt the necessity of the necessities of life, he thought of having a textile to protect him from the cold and hardship of the earth. The wool and hair of animals were the first human findings to meet this need, and consequently the skin of these animals was their first underlayment, or in other words, their carpet.

Following evolution, man learned that by crushing and squeezing wool fibers, he could produce a thicker and warmer underlay called felt, and by learning spinning techniques, he produced woolen yarns, and for the first time by merging horizontal and vertical yarn yarns. Wool invented the kilim, and this was the beginning of the invention of the knotted or fluffy rug, which was more advanced in art and technology.

In 1328, the first knotted carpets were used as horse cover or in nomadic tents, and then many advances were made in the production of this product. Researchers believe that the beginning of the flourishing of carpet weaving art in Iran dates back to the 16th and 17th centuries.

The Persian rug has long been famous and used, as evidenced by the Greek historian Xenophon in her book Cyrus between 430 and 345 BC: "Iranians spread rugs under their beds to keep them soft."

Variety in production method, size, material, color and differences in appearance and structure have all caused the Iranian hand-woven carpet to have different types, each of which has a specific name.

Types of hand-woven carpets in terms of size

The most common sizes of Iranian hand-woven carpets are 6 meters, 9 meters, 12 meters and 24 meters, which are selected according to the environment.

Carpets: Carpets that are in the sizes of 3x2 meters, 3.5x 2.5 meters, 4x3 meters, 4x6 meters.

Rugs: Carpets that have an area of ​​less than 4 square meters. Conventional rug sizes include 1.40 x 2.20 and 1.5x 2.5meters.

Headpieces: Carpets that are wider than the carpet in terms of width and less than 4 meters in length, which are woven in the sizes of 3x1.5 meters, 3x1.7 meters and 2x3.7 meters.

Side: It is a carpet that is used for corridors and stairs and its width varies from 1.70 to 0.5 meters and their length varies from 3-10 meters, and in some exceptional cases it is woven up to 15 meters and more.

A quarter and a half and a quarter of a quarter: Carpets whose dimensions are 1.5 x 1.04 and 1.60 x 1.10 meters are called Zar and a half. Also, carpets that are 0.30 x 1.80 meters are called Zar( a unit of length)  and quarter.

Back: To carpets with an area of ​​less than one square meter. The most common back size is 90 x 60 cm.

Types of hand-woven carpets in terms of local style

Urban carpet: means a carpet that is woven in cities. The urban weave carpet, which is woven by an urban weaver, is delicate and has a high number of designs.

Rural carpet: It is a carpet that is woven in a simple and basic way in the villages. Rural carpets are often woven without a pattern (mind weaver).

Nomadic carpets: Nomadic and tribal carpets, like rural carpets, are simple and primitive with patterns from the environment and life of the tribes. Eli carpets are available in small sizes in coarse and coarse weave. The side of the tribal rug has a complex texture that is often attached to short woolen tassels at regular intervals.



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