Bread recipe training
Bread recipe training
Recipe training of different types of bread in Telegram at a great price. If you wish, send a message to Telegram.
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Fahimeh Azadi
Bread is the most important food in the breakfast table of the people of the world and although there are different types, but the love of fresh bread and enjoying it is the same all over the world. Different breads are found all over the world; Many of them belong to certain regions of the world or special food. In this article, we will introduce some famous breads with you.
Bagel bread belongs to the Netherlands. Bagel is a round loaf of bread that is usually eaten for breakfast with cream cheese or as a sandwich. The baking of this type of bread has its roots in the Jewish minorities of the Netherlands and dates back to the 1610s.
Beagles can be simple, made from different doughs, sprinkled with nuts and seeds, or used to cook strawberries or chocolate.
Baguette bread
Baguette bread is a long and thin French bread that is usually smeared with jam or butter and eaten.
Baguette means a stick or a baton. This classic French bread was originally round, with tasty crusts and bulky and dense inside. Gradually, as people preferred the crispy outer surface to the inside, the baguette gradually became the oval and elongated shape it is today.
Banana bread
Banana bread originated in the United States. This sweet bread is made from mashed bananas and is almost like the texture of a wet cake. The recipe for this type of bread became popular in the 1930s due to the mass production of baking powder and baking soda (two essential ingredients for baking banana bread).
During the Great Depression, people used to make bread from their leftover bananas to avoid food waste. There are different recipes for making banana bread and you can use chocolate, raisins, nuts and nuts or bake it in the form of a muffin cake.
Win stick
Bread stick, or wooden bread, called grissini in Italian, is in the form of long, thin sticks and is usually served with delicious Italian food or as an appetizer.
The steak was invented by an Italian baker from Turin in the 1670s. This type of bread is usually served hot and garlic or cheese is placed on it. It is also rolled in cinnamon sugar and eaten as a dessert.
Brioche bread
Brioche rich and thin bread is light, puffy and crunchy due to the high amount of butter and eggs in its composition. This French bread is several centuries old and is so rich and delicious that it can be easily tasted with butter. However, if desserts such as bread pudding or chocolate brioche are made from chocolate, it will taste even better. It is also very popular to eat brioche bread with foie gras or buttery fatty liver.
Brown bread
Brown bread is an Irish bread made from whole wheat flour (wheat), wheat germ and brown sugar and can be eaten as part of a traditional Irish breakfast with butter and jam. Brown bread has long been a favorite of the lower classes because of its low price.
Chabata Bread
Ciabatta is an Italian white bread made from wheat flour, salt, yeast and water. This bread is easily recognizable by its fluffy texture and crispy outer surface that resembles French baguette.
Chabata is usually served with olive oil and immediately absorbs the oil due to the spongy texture inside. This bread is a relatively new type of bread that was invented in 1982 but did not gain popularity until the 1990s.
Corn bread
Cornbread is a delicious American bread that, unlike most breads, does not use sourdough. Instead, in order to ferment and increase the volume of bread, baking powder is added to corn flour. This recipe belonged to Native Americans who were later borrowed by British immigrants. Today, cornbread is especially popular in the southern United States.
The origin of fermented flatbread goes back to South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. Bread is a popular food item in Indian cuisine. And it is served with different kinds of condiments, different curry powders, spices and different foods, but it is usually heated and then served with butter.
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