Hi, I would like to sponsor two endangered Afghan speakers who can immigrate to the United States from their home country. Can anyone guide me on how to do the right thing, of course through
Afghan National on Parole into USA
USA - California - Sacramento
Contact number: 18185463719 Ali
An exact date for the asylum and migration of individuals or groups and ethnicities of the Afghan people, as in other countries, may not be available; Because migration and displacement have a history as old as human history.
Some people in Afghanistan have been migrating abroad for a century. The first mass migration of Afghans apparently took place from Afghanistan to Australia in 1860 - 1239 AD. At the request of the British government, more than 70 Afghans from Ghazni and Kabul districts were taken to the largest island, which was the gathering place of some British criminals and murderers.The aim was to help these hardline and resilient immigrants get to know the scorching plains of Gabson and Samson off the west coast of Australia, which connects to the Indian Ocean to the east ending in the Pacific.
The migration, which took place in the Afghans' own vehicles, camels and mules, took months. Several families were killed due to thirst and long journeys. Thus, with the cooperation of Britain, the first Afghan population nucleus was established in Australia.
Of course, Afghan refugees living in Australia were not the first group of Afghan refugees, because many years before that date Afghans had gone to Central Asia, India, Iran and Iraq and settled there forever. Among the emigrants during the reign of Shah Mahmud, son of Timur Shah Saduzai, who left Afghanistan for good and settled in Iran, were from the Oimaq tribes of Herat and Badghis. Of course, before the time of Abdul Rahman, people had tasted the bitter taste of migration and displacement. But according to history, in no other period has the people, especially the Hazaras, suffered from the tragedy of massacre, captivity, migration and displacement, and no such ominous event has occurred in the history of the country. All writers, researchers, and immigration activists believe that displacement is a pain that not only afflicts the displaced person but also others. All writers, researchers, and immigration activists believe that displacement is a pain that not only afflicts the displaced person but also others. But the migration of the Afghan people in the last few decades is very different in the last three decades and in the last century. Because the flight of Afghans from the country in the last three decades, not only did not cause them to be forgotten, but also provided the ground for their identification and brought the catastrophes that took place in the country to the attention of the world.
Undoubtedly, if it were not for the displacement of the last three decades, the people of Afghanistan and the world would never have been aware of the tragedy of massacre, slavery and displacement a century ago; But recent migration and displacement, for all its difficulties, has provided the Afghan people with an opportunity to look back. A past that has been nothing but sorrow, massacre, slavery and displacement, deprivation of justice, public welfare and individual well-being.
Thus, migration and displacement, with all its damages and problems that afflicted our people and inflicted irreparable blows on everyone from a spiritual point of view, also led to the result of exposing the hidden historical facts. Therefore, this socio-cultural approach is one of the important and significant achievements of the migration period.
In the 1990s, Afghanistan, with more than 5 million IDPs, accounted for more than a third of the world's total. Without exaggeration, approximately 10 million Afghans and Afghans have alternated with the phenomenon of displacement abroad. Prior to the fall of the Taliban in 2001, Afghanistan, with 3.5 million displaced people in neighboring countries and the world, accounted for 40% of the world's displaced people. Of course, this displacement was not related to ethnicity, language, religion and specific region, but included all sections of society from each ethnic group and region. Of course, this displacement was not related to ethnicity, language, religion and specific region, but included all sections of society from each ethnic group and region.
Unfortunately, Afghan migration has intensified in the wake of Afghanistan's social and political crises and successive wars. With the rise of the Taliban in 1994 and the emergence of countless crimes by this immigration group, the migration process increased.
What is clear from the history of Afghanistan and the statistics show that, Afghan migration has a long history. However, a large wave of migration to Iran and Pakistan took place after the coup d'état of Haft Saur in 1978, and the actions of the Soviet government led to revolts and resistance against the government in different provinces of the country.
After the Soviet invasion and the escalation of the war between the Afghan people and the Red Army, the flood of emigration increased. According to the Director General of the Office of Foreign Citizens and Immigrants of the Ministry of Interior of the Islamic Republic of Iran, according to official statistics, more than 800,000 Afghan citizens have been born in Iran. These statistics show that Afghans have a long history of migration, with two generations of Afghan refugees living in many countries, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Thus, a number of Afghans have spent nearly thirty years of their lives as refugees or migrants in a special situation in other countries.
According to an official with the Iranian Ministry of Interior's Office for Foreigners and Immigrants, the number of Afghans who immigrated to Iran reached about 3.5 million when hundreds returned after the overthrow of Dr. Najibullah's government. But the beginning of a new round of conflict during the Mojahedin regime led to re-migration and a significant number of people who had remained in the country in previous periods were forced to leave Afghanistan.
The Mojahedin victory did not end Afghanistan's 14-year war. From the day after the formation of the Mojahedin government, rival groups started a new war against each other in order to gain power or achieve their goals. The war between rival factions in Kabul and other wars that took place every day in different parts of the country for power. These wars and conflicts had a great impact on the displacement and migration of Afghans, so that tens of thousands of people were killed and half a million displaced in the Kabul wars.
This situation was exacerbated by the expansion of Taliban control, which continued to increase its violent power in eastern and western Afghanistan, and migration from Afghanistan to other countries, especially Iran and Pakistan, continued.
Despite the end of the Taliban's rule in late 2001 and the formation of a new regime in the country, the return of refugees to their homeland has not been provided yet. As new resolutions are passed every day in support of the rights of refugees and migrants around the world, the sad and horrifying images of the lives of Afghan refugees shake the human heart. "People of almost all countries shout in unison at the request of immigrants and refugees: 'No, do not let a stranger into your home.' While the crying faces of Afghan children and the sad faces of displaced women and men are etched in everyone's memory.
"People of almost all countries shout in unison at the request of immigrants and refugees: 'No ... do not let a stranger into your home.' While the crying faces of Afghan children and the sad faces of displaced women and men are etched in everyone's memory. Violent and inhumane treatment of refugees or migrants, and even children born in the same country is reflected in some countries, and immigrants are insulted, and their rights are violated. And they are treated badly and are described as a lowly group that does not deserve any respect or equal treatment with other citizens of that country or religion.
This pathetic and offensive situation has made it necessary to discuss the rights of refugees in refugee countries. If refugee countries show an interest in human rights, it is only for their own citizens. As for others, especially in the case of Afghan refugees, the opposite is true in theory and practice. And this is what has created great problems for IDPs living in refugee countries. This situation also requires activating the issue of human rights with a comprehensive and global perspective and not contenting ourselves with the slogan for refugees. We live in a world filled with hypocrisy, lies and pretense. We must unveil it and work to preserve the dignity of refugees in refugee countries.
The most important human and individual rights that are endorsed by the holy sharia of Islam and all international legal institutions and must be respected everywhere regardless of race, religion and nationality are: the right to life, the right to education, the right to human dignity, the right to liberty. And travel and the right to equality with others.
The right to life and the right to education is the origin and basis of other human rights, and it is a sacred right that God has bestowed on all human beings. Therefore, protecting it is the absolute duty of everyone; Because this right is recognized by all divine and earthly religions and it is a right that is one of the divine blessings to the servants of God in order to survive the human race and the prosperity of the universe and the continuation of human life. And all people are equal in any religion, originality and affiliation, backwardness or progress, value and position or knowledge and ignorance and ruler or condemned. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December 1949) and the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol. In its third article, it also recognizes and emphasizes that; "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
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