Buying Sangak Iranian bread and different kinds of bread in Germany

One of the types of Iranian bread that has many lovers and fans is Sangak bread. This bread is known as Sangak bread because it is cooked on hot pebbles. It is interesting to know that the history of baking this bread and its history go back to Iran. At the time of tribal people and nomads, they used Sangak bread as their bread. Then, due to its pleasant taste, it became popular among other Iranians.

Now, the more interesting thing is that Sangak bread has also come to bakeries and has become popular not only in Iran, but all over the world. For example, one of the countries that uses and sells Sangak bread is Germany. This country has established many stone bakeries and sells its bread to all Iranians in this country. Maybe this question will arise for you, how to buy Iranian Sangak bread in Germany? Can this be done easily? In order to know the answers to your questions in this regard, you can read the text below and get your answers.

Various services of Sangak bakers in Germany

Usually, stone bakeries that have started their work in Germany provide various services to the people of that country. They produce and sell different types of bread. Most Iranians living in Germany do not have any worries about making bread. Because Sangak bakers have prepared and produced their favorite breads for them. In this section, we would like to explain to you the various services provided by Ira Sengak bakers in Germany.

1. Traditional Sangak bread: this type of bread is also cooked in German Sangak bakers and sold to those who are interested. This Sangak bread has sesame or bran that you can buy according to your preference.

2. Sangak bread for broth: Sangak bread that is cooked for broth is thinner compared to other Sangak breads. Therefore, the same type of bread is also cooked and sold in German bakeries.

3. Breakfast Sangak: Usually Sangak bread that is prepared for breakfast has aromatic vegetables, which of course have many fans. In German bakeries, Sangak breakfast is also cooked in Iranian style.

4. Barbari bread: Barbari bread is one of the types of traditional bread that exists in Iran. This bread has now spread to other countries and is baked in large quantities in German bakeries. Iranians living in Germany have no problem preparing this bread. 

Grills available in Germany

It may seem a little strange to you at first. But in the Nan Sengak bakeries in Germany, kebab is also cooked. Because selling kebabs along with Sangak bread has a lot of sales for them and brings a lot of profit. Because selling kebabs along with Sangak bread has a lot of sales for them and brings a lot of profit. For example, pounded kebab is one of the most delicious services of these bakeries.

Other kebabs that are cooked in these bakeries are chicken kebabs, Iraqi kebabs, Afghani kebabs, or Syrian and Adana kebabs. These stone bakers provide all these things at the same time. At the end of this blog, we have put a link for you where all the available services related to buying Sangak bread in Germany are written. You can get detailed information by entering the link of this ad.





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