kitchen and home appliances Kitchen and home appliances Microwave oven $ 30 UAS brand bedside lamp $ 15 Vancouver - Canada Contact Number: 17789856169 fayouzi, yousefi Waves at this frequency have an interesting property: they are absorbed by water, fats and sugars. Once absorbed, they are converted directly into atomic motion, or heat. These waves have another interesting property: They are not absorbed by most plastics, glass or ceramics. The metal also reflects the microwave, which is why metal dishes do not work well in the microwave. You must have heard that the microwave cooks food from the inside out. What does this mean? Let me say that you want to bake a cake in a regular oven. Usually you have to bake the cake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (117 degrees Celsius) or this time you accidentally set it at 600 degrees Fahrenheit (316 degrees Celsius) instead of 350 degrees Fahrenheit.What is happening? The outer layer of the cake will burn before it even heats up inside. In a typical oven, the...